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The Circle made Easy

4.0 ( 6160 ratings )
Jogos Ensino
3.99 USD

The Circle is an app for year 8 students.

Using the knowledge of a teacher who has taught for over 38 years with a Pure and Applied Mathematics Degree, you will find learning The Circle a breeze.

This app looks at investigating the relationship between features of circles such as circumference, area, radius and diameter. Use formulas to solve problems involving circumference and area

The Circle App has tutored lessons which shows step by step worked examples. The Circle is designed to help you understand The Circle, having your own Maths Tutor when and where you need it.

With our INTERNATIONAL content, EASY TO UNDERSTAND, FAST PACED lessons, YOU WILL SOON BE TOP OF THE CLASS and heading in the right direction to achieve your dream of a DYNAMIC CAREER.
The longer you delay the further behind you could fall. It’s your future that is at stake.

Compare us with the competition and you will be sold on our sharp, to the point teaching methods, that have a proven track record of success.

There is no time to waste, its the easy way to learn Maths.

The Circle has tutored lessons which shows step by step worked examples as well as Formulas, Revision questions and a Quiz.
You will have your own Maths Tutor when and where you need it.

This app covers the following topics:
* The circumference
* The value of Pi
* Area of a circle
* Area of sector
* Arc length of a sector

“iTeachers” aim to provide easy to understand lessons using new age technology, taught the old fashioned way.

With our International content, easy to understand, fast-paced lessons. You will soon be top of the class.